Daniel Clarke
Director at Centre for Disaster Protection
Daniel Clarke leads the Centre for Disaster Protection’s work to prevent disasters devastating lives. He brings to the role a broad combination of leadership, expertise, and practical experience working with people, countries, and organisations to change how they plan and pay for disasters.
Daniel’s professional background is as an actuary and economist. He has worked with more than 40 developing country governments to develop improved risk finance schemes in close collaboration with bilateral and multilateral development institutions and the private insurance and reinsurance industry. His work has had a major influence on policy and practice at a global, country and organisational level, and his book, Dull Disasters? How Planning Ahead Will Make A Difference is a seminal work on disaster risk financing.
He has a first-class degree from Cambridge University in Mathematics and Computer Science and a D.Phil. in Economics from the University of Oxford. He is a Fellow of the Institute of Actuaries.
Twitter: @danieljclarke2