The language of collaboration: Why disaster risk finance matters for the G20 – and why the G20 matters for disaster risk finance
In our latest insight, Anna DeGrauw explores the critical connection between disaster risk finance and disaster risk reduction within the UN frameworks, emphasising the pivotal role of the G20 in advancing this collaborative agenda given the significant challenges the member countries face. Pre-agreed language and the G20's convening power offer the potential for transformative change.
Global Shield: a key tile in the mosaic of funding for loss and damage?
This blog navigates the complexities surrounding the intricate landscape of funding arrangements aimed at addressing climate-related losses and damages, shedding light on the Global Shield's role as an essential piece in this broader mosaic.
Putting people first in disaster risk finance – the Centre's new accountability guidance
The Centre’s new guidance on accountability provides an accessible framework that applies core elements of accountability to the specificities of DRF instruments. Whether you are promoting, designing, delivering, evaluating or advocating for better DRF initiatives, this guidance is intended to support your work.
The future of Anticipatory Action: Four challenges to reaching scale and sustainability
The Centre for Disaster Protection recently concluded learning exercises on the Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF) Anticipatory Action (AA) pilots in Nepal and Bangladesh, as part of our process learning support to OCHA. The focus was on moving to greater scale and sustainability for AA in each country. Four key challenges arise from the studies, which are relevant for any anticipatory action actors considering the difficult issue of how to move beyond pilots.
From ‘no-go’ to ‘must have’: where next for premium support?
Contributions to help low-income countries pay for insurance premiums has become a ‘must have’ in the disaster risk finance toolbox. However, evidence is lacking on how to design premium subsidies that lead to sustainable protection. In our latest insight, we discuss country ownership, international responsibility and c a global ‘risk deal’ to upscale protection in climate-vulnerable countries.
The art of being an actuary: what my year with the Centre taught me about creativity and collaboration in disaster risk
“I thought my year-long secondment to the Centre for Disaster Protection would teach me a lot about the world of international development and disaster risk financing. However, it has also taught me a lot about myself.”
Staying ahead of the curve: applying a disaster risk finance lens to epidemic and pandemic risk
Timely finance can play a critical role in tackling epidemic outbreaks by outpacing the exponential rate at which infection can spread. Our new insight paper takes a closer look at disaster risk finance for pandemic and epidemic outbreaks.
Unveiling the state of pre-arranged financing for crises
The Centre for Disaster Protection is on a mission to prevent disasters from devastating lives by ensuring that countries are better prepared for crises. To protect people from the devastating impacts of disasters pre-arranged financing should be the primary way to pay for crisis response so that funding gets where it is needed faster, with greater impact.
But how much pre-arranged financing is there, and where does it go?
Remembering Jonathon Gascoigne
We are mourning the loss of our dear colleague, Jon Gascoigne.
Salve for the shock: a case for leadership on debt pause clauses
As the World Bank welcomes its newly appointed leader, Ajay Banga, this post explores the practical and philosophical considerations associated with multilateral lenders taking the lead in implementing pause clauses.
A world in crisis: who foots the bill?
The Centre for Disaster Protection partnered with Tortoise Media to host a thought-provoking online on the pressing issues of accelerating debt, climate change, and disaster risk, while questioning the suitability of 20th Century institutions in addressing the challenges of the 21st Century.
Every day counts: evaluating the benefits of early action during a crisis
Typically, help in response to a humanitarian crisis comes after the fact and is requested through formal appeals. This type of response can be delayed, influenced by political factors, and often inadequate. UNOCHA and partners piloted a large-scale collective anticipatory humanitarian response to flooding in Bangladesh in 2020. In this insight, Lydia Poole, Associate Director for Evidence, shares her thoughts on what the evaluation of the intervention could mean for a system-level shift towards anticipatory response.
Growing interest: Taking debt pause clauses to scale for resilience and recovery
Our new Insight Paper examines an innovation in sovereign debt contracts that may be groundbreaking in its potential impact on public finances and lives of citizens in disaster- and climate vulnerable countries – a debt pause clause.
Better is possible: How the World Bank can rise to meet climate and crisis risk
In August 2022, extreme monsoon rains exacerbated by glacial melt runoff, resulted in catastrophic floods in Pakistan. The damage was on an unprecedented scale, with flood waters inundating tens of thousands of square kilometres. Pakistan sought substantial support from the international community for assistance with the immediate humanitarian response, as well as recovery and reconstruction efforts estimated in the billions of dollars.
The Chile cat bond – taking the temperature
The Republic of Chile has just purchased its second World Bank intermediated catastrophe bond. This is the first real test of World Bank-intermediated cat bonds in what is currently an expensive market for buyers. As well as adding earthquake protection for Chile’s public finances, this transaction offers useful insights for other countries looking to purchase capital markets risk transfer.
In this insight, Lead Risk Finance Adviser Conor Meenan explores why countries might choose to buy risk transfer even when costs are high and discusses aspects of the bond that affect its final price.
Trade-offs in times of crisis: assessing the impact of budget reallocation
When disasters strike, governments are often forced to raid their existing budgets and make difficult trade-offs to finance emergency relief and recovery.
Our new research, conducted with Oxford Policy Management, looks into the evidence on the cost and benefits of budget reallocations and tests a new methodology for quantifying their impact.
Applying lessons from gender-integrated social protection to disaster risk finance
There is growing operational convergence between disaster risk finance and social protection, notably cash transfer programmes. But where does gender fit into these discussions and what can disaster risk finance learn from the large body of experience and evidence that exists within the field of social protection? Can understanding the gendered impacts of different risks on different people in diverse contexts determine what – and who – is or isn't protected after a disaster? How does this understanding feed into the design of instruments, such as risk pools or insurance?
The next pandemic: if we can’t respond, we’re not prepared
Amidst the disastrous impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, international policy attention on global pandemic prevention, preparedness and response (PPR) has been laudable but has so far proved inadequate. The chance of another deadly pandemic is significant and the potential toll catastrophic, but the current level of global investment in PPR does not yet provide the kind of protection the world needs for effective response.
Divided by a common language – seven questions and eight answers about disaster risk reduction, finance and climate change adaptation
As part of a series of conversations tackling the sticky questions around disaster risk and climate change finance, Centre experts Chris Kiggell and Jon Gascoigne have sought to address key questions around climate change-induced losses and damages, and the role of disaster risk finance in tackling them. Following the first blog, they are now turning to definitional questions around disaster risk reduction, disaster risk finance and climate change adaptation.
The nine trillion-dollar idea you (probably) didn’t catch at COP
With the hoopla of COP, you would be forgiven for missing a modestly-attended panel discussion on The Case for Climate Resilient Debt Clauses, a superficially simple idea that nonetheless could help pivot hundreds of billions of dollars towards tackling disaster risk.